Tag: Don’t Fight the Darkness

Close Your Eyes


  Occasionally, I enjoy wearing  bowties. Wearing a bow tie provides me with a classic enduring style. When tying the bowtie, I usually  stand in front of the mirror  to get the best view oof the maneuvers. Most times, this works as it affords me a view of what I’m doing. Yet at other times, the view in the mirror  actually hinders my ability  to execute the proper moves. 

Consequently, I close my eyes and tie the bowtie without looking. Closing my eyes prevents what I see from getting in the way of what needs to be done. This is what Paul means when he says, “Walk by faith not by sight” (2 Corinthians  5:7). God says to you, in order to execute  the next stage in your life, you’ve got to close your eyes and move by faith. – Don’t fight the Darkness 

Party Time!

Laughter of a child
Presently confined in these mortal  houses we search for the coziest  comforts we can find: a cup of  coffee, the laughter of a child, a ball  game, a  movie.  While these creature comforts satisfy our immediate longings, they provide only a temporary fix. The hot coffee settles to a cool, the settled child eventually cries, and the favorite team sooner or later settles for a loss. Or, as you settle in the theater seat to watch your movie, you conclude that you should have waited for the DVD release. 

Attempting to find lasting pleasure in earthly things is like eating Chinese food, it’s delicious while you are consuming it, but you will be hungry again soon. So, our search continues. After exploring all the world offers and still finding that you are unable to satiate your desires, you are forced to conclude that what you search for must not exist in this world. (Thank you for that profound thought C.S. Lewis.) 

You and I are created for someplace different altogether. Yet, we consciously and unconsciously engage in a search to fulfill what earthly pleasures simply cannot satisfy. The good news? John declares heaven is our final promotion. When we complete our task on earth, we will be advanced to the ultimate promotion party—Heaven. After the struggle, after the heartache, after the letdown, after the turmoil, we have Heaven. #DontFightTheDarkness

Dig Deep Ditches ~ (Elisha)


Depressed? In a deficit or in a hole? So, what are God’s instructions? “Make this valley full of ditches” (2 Kings 3:16 KJV). Dig ditches? An interesting strategy. So I’m already in a hole in my pursuit of destiny and God wants me to dig a hole? Yes!  Digging ditches is about great expectation. What do you expect from God? Perhaps the journey has worn you down. The act of digging a hole or trusting God’s instructions actually deepens our faith. We must expand our expectation, mature our beliefs, and excavate our faith. The act of digging ditches pushes us to grapple with our boasting, proves to God that we believe Him, prepares the ground for our breakthrough, and points out exactly where God will deposit our blessings. When you dig, when you anticipate in faith, you are not saying that you are the source of the blessing, but that you trust God for the blessing.


Bypassing the Process

  Skipping, Cutting, Breaking in Line

Judas—a universally scorned, notorious name. No maternity wards echo his name. No one teases a Judas in kindergarten; no one shouts his name at the ball game. No one wants to take a Judas to the prom. He is chosen by Jesus; yet, Jesus says of him, “One of you is a devil.” Judas’s name appears last in every biblical list except for the one in Acts, where he doesn’t appear at all. So complete was his betrayal that the mere mention of his name embodies all that reverberate sinister and disloyal. Why? Because no one likes somebody who skips, cuts, or breaks in line. Judas attempts to bypass God’s process of promotion. Cain attempts to bypass God’s authorized plan and murders his brother Able (Genesis 4). Abram and Sarai attempt to avoid the process of God and let’s just say they make an ass out of themselves: “And [Ishmael] will be a wild-ass of a man” (Genesis 16:12 ). Moses attempts to circumvent process and leaves a trail of blood in the sand (Exodus 4:25). Peter, normally skilled with a knife, swings at Malchus’ head, misses and hits his ear (John 18:10). Such is the aim of those who success outside the will of God—they miss it by a mile. Judas attempts to find a loophole in God’s process and gets hung by it. When we disdain process, we abort the plan of God in our lives. A life that bypasses process aborts the potential deposited in it.


Saved but not Delivered ~ Peter,Paul

 Out of the Battle, Still in the War

Peter, a blue collar man, gets promoted to the white collar division of leadership; he upgrades from a fisherman’s collar to a priest’s collar. Once there he allows himself to grow comfy and doesn’t want to jeopardize his plush position by hanging out with the “wrong crowd”—the new Gentile converts. Paul, a veteran to prejudice attitudes, publicly straightens him out. What’s Peter’s problem? Peter is saved, but not fully delivered. He still possesses some trouble areas that need a little work. Paul helps Peter to navigate those rough waters of pride and prejudice. His guidance nudges Peter in the right direction with the spiritual nurturing that propels him into maturity. Peter gets the promotion, but requires additional training. Peter needs a gentle or Gentile nudge in the right direction. For every believer, the possibility exists to enjoy a saving relationship with Christ and yet, not live an abundant life characterized by deliverance.  Happily, God will not stop the promoting process until He completes what He has started in you.


Sopping Grass or Soaking Rain?

Often, in our quest for advancement, we sometimes look in the wrong places and to the wrong person to elevate us to the next level. During a God-decreed drought, King Ahab and his servant Obadiah search for grass as opposed to praying for rain. Just as King Ahab and Obadiah embark upon a ridiculous search for grass in a famine, many times we abandon the unlimited supply of Heaven for fickle human networks and vacillating personal favors as well. We must give up the ridiculous search for the possibility of grass and trust Heaven for the raining down of our blessings.


You Board it, You Bought it


Sold as Is

The process to promotion can be tough. Compromising character, sacrificing personal integrity, and adopting conflicting views seem to represent the choppy waters of success. In chapter five, “You Board it, You Bought it,” the disciples learn while navigating the unpredictable seas of promotion that Jesus is the most important tackle they will need. When sailing the rough seas of progress, we, too, must bring Him aboard our ship. The disciples learn something special about Jesus during their stormy trek to the other side and readers will, too. Jesus enters our lives as cargo and waits in the background until we promote Him to captain. Let Jesus captain your life to the promised harbor of promotion. View my book,Don’t Fight the Darkness , Here