Tag: Don’t Fight the Darkness

Scared of the dark?


Have you  ever awakened from a puzzling dream in a dark room? It usually takes a moment to separate the dream from reality. The room is dark, you are disoriented. The darkness takes advantage and distorts space, so that items across the room stare you in the face and objects as close as your hand appear as far away as the morning. In this state, harmless items become the stuff of nightmares. Lampshades gaze at you with murderous eyes, squeaky door hinges whisper your name, and bunny slippers lurk just beneath your feet to snatch you under the bed. But, as morning slips in, the perceived dangers of the night slither out. Lampshades drop their hideous gaze, creaking doors stop their murderous rant, and the slippers under the bed—well, their kidnapping-raid is finally over. These items that frightened before are not replaced, but transformed. They are the same items which caused you alarm in the night, but the morning transforms them; so what once brought chaos and confusion now offers comfort. When God promotes, He uses your present nightmarish life to ready you, train you for the next level.He uses the darkness to prepare you for what is to come. Weeping may tarry for a night, but don’t fight His plans. Throw in the towel and let God do what He does best. Let Him bring the joy of morning.


The Ruddy Runt of the Litter (David)

imageFrom Kid and Sling to Shepherd and King
Nobody really expects you to make it. Or do they? Perhaps that’s the reason David gets the job nobody wants, in a field or career where nobody sees him. Maybe the adversary sees greatness in you, throws his best weapon, and hope you will quit. As runt of the litter, no one really gives David a fighting chance at success. But, man looks on the outside, while God consults the heart. Even while preparing to engage in the very act that will secure his destiny—giant slaying, the enemy attempts to change David’s destiny by insisting that he change his style. Ultimately, David shows his comfort with the tailor-made image God creates for him. If we are to fill the unique slot God creates for us, we must not give in to the onslaught of the enemy’s attacks or to his persuasive attempt to change who we are.


Sex, Surveillance and Other Undercover Activities.


Entertaining self-deprecating, negative thoughts about God’s ability to use someone like you? Check out Rahab the harlot; in spite of her “Sex, Surveillance, and other
Undercover activities,” God uses her. In spite of your checkered past, God wants to use you. Remember the walls of Jericho which collapses after the Israelite army marches
around it? Would it surprise you to know that Rahab’s house, built snugly in those very walls, does not fall? Well, Rahab’s house continues to stands because it is protected by something stronger than God’s wrath—His word. God uses a scarlet thread to save Rahab and her family. Remarkably, this scarlet thread,dangling out of Rahab’s window and swaying by the gales of time, propels its way through history. It is woven into the very fabric of redemptive history. If God chooses to use a prostitute to propagate His plans through history, surely He can use you. The scarlet thread of redemption propels a “whore” into the Holiness of God and it can do the same for you.  Joshua 2:1