Tag: faith

Sopping Grass or Soaking Rain?

Often, in our quest for advancement, we sometimes look in the wrong places and to the wrong person to elevate us to the next level. During a God-decreed drought, King Ahab and his servant Obadiah search for grass as opposed to praying for rain. Just as King Ahab and Obadiah embark upon a ridiculous search for grass in a famine, many times we abandon the unlimited supply of Heaven for fickle human networks and vacillating personal favors as well. We must give up the ridiculous search for the possibility of grass and trust Heaven for the raining down of our blessings.


Sex, Surveillance and Other Undercover Activities.


Entertaining self-deprecating, negative thoughts about God’s ability to use someone like you? Check out Rahab the harlot; in spite of her “Sex, Surveillance, and other
Undercover activities,” God uses her. In spite of your checkered past, God wants to use you. Remember the walls of Jericho which collapses after the Israelite army marches
around it? Would it surprise you to know that Rahab’s house, built snugly in those very walls, does not fall? Well, Rahab’s house continues to stands because it is protected by something stronger than God’s wrath—His word. God uses a scarlet thread to save Rahab and her family. Remarkably, this scarlet thread,dangling out of Rahab’s window and swaying by the gales of time, propels its way through history. It is woven into the very fabric of redemptive history. If God chooses to use a prostitute to propagate His plans through history, surely He can use you. The scarlet thread of redemption propels a “whore” into the Holiness of God and it can do the same for you.  Joshua 2:1

Don’t Fight The Darkness

Dont fight the darkness book cover pic

Rough day? Feeling like your life is stuck in neutral while you’ve got the gas pedal pinned to the floor? Feeling duped by God and defrauded by people ? Me too. After serving two churches as senior pastor, earning two degrees , touring several foreign countries , and serving my country in a combat zone , I still felt…well, unachieved. I am a privileged husband and a proud father, but approaching middle age, my esteem was riddled with a cancerous thought, “Have I really made a difference?” You’ve had them too, haven’t you? Debilitating right? Negative , self loathing thoughts can pulverize anvil – like esteem into shrapnel of darkness.

Happily,you and I are woven from the same fabric as biblical characters. In Don’t fight the Darkness  you will learn from the lives of a bastardly offspring , a red-light district doll, a stammering murderer, a sheepish boy-king ,and a band of misfit ragamuffins how God through commonplace tasks like fishing, sheepherding, and teaching to not so ordinary jobs like spying, prostituting and surrogating.

Still reading? Well, flesh and blood did not lead you to this blog of my new book Don’t fight the Darkness. Your difficulty or dark times represent God’s brooding over you to unleash your  potential to fulfill His promises. Stay in the darkness. In His timing, God will comfort your weeping with the brilliance of His glorious joy. Your reading this blog is scheduled by the Divine. It is an appointment in the process , preparing you for you promotion!

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